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Going Batty: Take Staycation, Playa Del Rey, California?

Detail, 5×7″ Bat, acrylic on panel painting ©Frau Kolb, 2013

8 September 2013,

Los Angeles; Playa del Rey, Ca.

We decided we needed a little pampering.  So… we hit the Ritz Carlton, nearby.  It was lovely, as usual.  We have invested some of ourselves in active relaxing at the Marina del Rey hotel, which has provided us with many a good time, over the years.

Our favorite bartender, Fran Adams, works there.  She was not there this weekend.  She was “off,” being “fabulous,” somewhere else.  I’m sure.  Yet, she is supported by the establishment and her worthy co-workers. Thus, we had a great time, being treated like the favored children of extravagantly indulgent and caring parents.  Friendly, focused, fine-working people, into the ancient art hospitality LIKE me, I love the staff at the Ritz Carlton in Marina del Rey.

The kids splashed about in the shallow pool.  We sat by and sipped bubbly beverages.  The day melted into Sundays, had inside by the old-world fire, a hearth to inspire.  We hit the sheets, early sinking into bed with our lap-tops and my new all-time favorite ancient Asian detective, Judge Dee.

On-line, we found a house.  We traveled around the virtual world, greeting “friends,” and finding bargains.  Hah!  It is fun to live in the world of NOW, where everything is perpetually blooming.


Frau K.


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Seal it With a Kiss

8×5″ Acrylic on Canvas, September 2013

We make contracts, all the time.

Written contracts are only the part of the story.

The iceberg of history is all the little promises, all the potential…

I promise you.  You promise me.  We agree.

Do not take words lightly.  There are no jokes.  There are no forgotten messages.  Every word you say has weight, meaning, POWER.  Words are charged with the energy of thought.  The vital juice of eligibility.  Words bind you to others.  They keep you on this planet, until you complete your mission, which is only yours to fulfill.

No one can take away your purpose in life.  YOU can give it away.  You can spend countless hours watching cartoon character film stars performing senseless actions OR you can invest your time in a more worthy pursuit.  Choice is one guarantee. Choice is always available.  Invest wisely. Be true.  Be you.

I know you want to think yourself free from deep commitments. (I always did, yet I always had these little chains connecting me to others.) There is nothing other than TRUTH and adjacent little lies that wither and crumble, under the slightest pressure revealing the little CORE stories, like sand before waves.  The stories that cannot and will not be erased.  The facts of who you really are, who your grandmother was.  Who grandpa had sex with…

Who are YOU, really?

Who are you?

Who do you LOVE?

These are your truths.  There is NO THING else.

Life is no thing other than a string of promises, some kept, some broken.

I’ve come to terms with the fact of being.  I am and I’m grateful. All the LOVE I ever felt is there forever, like a reservoir full of clean water in a country town far away from pollution, far away from farmed lies.  That magical place we … somehow… know intimately. A place beyond, before, without, outside petty rivalries and cheap competition, the place where only caring and LOVE exist..

I’ve grown into keeping my word.  It took forty years before I became an adult.  I’m lucky because I’m not going to be an old lady running around the planet thinking myself a sparkling little girl.  I’m comfortable in with my age, my choices, and the life I’ve built.

I’ve been working toward maturity all my life.  The events that brought me here are typical and unique.  I am LIKE everybody,  I promise you won’t find another pearl like me.

Warm regards,

Frau K

September 21, 2013, 8:11 AM

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How to Spot a RODENT Person with Faulty Morals Before they Bite YOU in the Bottom

“Rodent,” part of “Australian Animals,” series © Frau Kolb, 2013

 October, 2013

Some people decide to scurry around though life nibbling on this and that, finding their way by sheer instinct, and “living from one meal to the next.”  They suffer from the NO Plan Syndrome and spend a lot of time hiding from the consequences of their actions.They assume that LIFE will “work out somehow,” and avoid making decisions because they feel that decisions are best made by fate and that they are like spectators in the theater of their own lives watching a “good show,” no matter how tragic the wasteful outcomes of living without a clue may be.

After forgiving, over and over, after intentionally ignoring the short comings of friends and family that have their own made lame attempts at life improvement and make it from one day to the next without a focused understanding of what really matters, of what is correct, moral behavior, and true caring are constituted by I’ve decided to avoid expecting anything from people that are simply NOT CAPABLE of GIVING.

That is right.  There are some who do not have a single giving bone in their bodies.  They are more than happy, on the other hand to TAKE and TAKE some more.  Your resources, they see as ample, available and they shamelessly help themselves to your time, your advice, your insights, your creativity, your giant bottles of FRENCH bubbly.  They FEAST on the substance of your soul, nibbling like rodents on the insides of your refined sensibilities, which YOU have worked relentlessly to hone.

You were not born enlightened.  YOU simply apply the SEVEN BOOK RULE. YOU apply the RULE to every problem.  YOU HIT THE BOOKS and FACE every obstacle with the dignity of the BLACK QUEEN on the chess board of LIFE. You read and reflect.  You write and have insights you gleamed and synthesized, harnessed and refined  through study, conversation with other avid readers, top-notch artists, world-class scientists, and self analysis.  You are executing a plan you invented ass (YES by the way, YOU, know the difference between AS AND ASS yet you prefer the later because you have a nice bottom due to the mostly organic food you eat and the ease with which you are willing to walk or bike for many miles; you LOVE your body) a baby and you are living the outcome of the life you crafted.  WE ALL ARE. You worked hard, probably too hard, to get this far.  Yet, never forget that:  WE ALL LIVE in the cave of our choosing, the hole that we dug, the world that we carved out for ourselves.

IF you are not entirely happy with who you have become, how or where you live, what you look like, who is in your bed RIGHT NOW, or any other aspect of the daily reality of your life, well…  perhaps you might want to take a LOOK at what you planned for yourself and where you veered off, or perhaps YOU never planned a single thing and thus there is no surprise that you are LOST, looking around for a crumb of substances and quick to take WHATEVER you can get and run to the next crumb.

Wake up to the fact that tomorrow will come and that what you do today has a direct outcome on what your life will be like in the future.  You want people to LOVE you, well be prepared to LOVE yourself first and take real care of BEAUTIFUL YOU.  Don’t let yourself be the unimportant person, the uninvited guest, at the PARTY that your LIFE might be IF you focus on creating a life worth living.

YOU are not a rodent.  IF you have the brain power, internet connection, and English language skills to read all the way through to the end of this piece it is because you have invested in yourself to get this far.  This is NOT a given and do not take it for granted, respect yourself, your individual talents and your considerable efforts.  If you are having trouble seeing yourself as a worthwhile person (which is, by-the-way, an essential element in being one) then make a list of ALL the things you CAN DO and all the ways in which YOU GIVE and all the ways in which you have improved and refined who you are, over the years.  Yes, a list.

I’m a big fan of lists.
To-Do Lists. Work Done Lists.  Pro/Con Lists.  All kinds of lists, all kinds of writing, because all of it adds UP to the Grand Plan that every individual’s LIFE requires, it is to have constant direction, to take responsibility for the shape your LIFE takes, to make it worth living through the adversity (which will surely HIT you ass LIFE always does NO matter how many books you read, how much ca$h you have in the bank, overcoming the obstacles, and continuing toward goals that sometimes seem almost impossible to achieve is only possible IF you have pre-determined and consciously decided precisely who you intend to be on YOUR JOURNEY.

So… make yourself a list, if you don’t have one, of Things YOU will Achieve, or Places To Visit, Five Non-Negotiable Qualities in a Mate, or whatever other aspect of your life needs attention, address your reality, make an effort to create a LIFE worthy of your active participation, because watching the HORROR the HORROR of it from a little cave-den corner, LIKE, a spectacle on television is NOT the same as living it UP.

So, wake UP and get it together.  Create your proper place in the world by defining what your mission is and how, exactly you are here to HELP others, and make LIFE better for others, which is really the only worthwhile pursuit.

Now, for those of you reading this and asking, “How does this relate to spotting people with poor judgement or flimsy morals?” Well, anybody without a clear understanding the working, thinking, meditating required of anyone that is to be successful, will never be and could never be a successful, in other words, giving person.  They will take your resources and RUN.  They will not reciprocate because they have NO THING to give.  People can only show up for others when they have shown up, stood up for themselves at key moments, and taken control of their own lives so that they aren’t living like rodents from one morsel of whatever-they-can-get to the next random bit.  So, avoid those people that have no plan and thus nothing worthwhile to offer.  In the process, make room in your life for quality people that have LIKE you, have plenty to give, can make time to share, and are willing to show up for YOU and others, regularly.


Best regards,

Frau Kolb

Oct 14, 2013, 5:51 AM

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WE MUST Cultivate the GARDEN!


“Cultivate Peace,” © Frau Kolb 2013

I often find myself thinking of this line “WE must cultivate our Garden,” Voltaire’s Candide’s verdict, at the end of the skinny little, up and down, adventure-novella.

My understanding of the quote is that WE can and must actively create the living vision of PEACE and ABUNDANCE we yearn for in some by-gone golden age or futuristic utopia.   Few of us live in daily bliss of our own construction.  Yet, I insist that it is possible to be HAPPY with LIFE most of the time.

YES! Friends!  It is true.  You can be HAPPY!  YES!  YOU!!!!

 The key: apply “The Vacation Approach.”  Yes.  NOW.  “What?” “HOW?”

YOU ask.

Here is the abridged version: 1. Appreciate that every obstacle is a miracle waiting to unfold.  2. Laugh.  Seriously.  NOW, practice laughing every day, make time for laughter.  Prioritize it.  SO: Hah!  HAH! HAH!  HAH! HAH! HAH!  That is how WE do it.  OK.  3.  Limit your intake.  You are what you watch.  You are what you read.  You are what you eat.  Think about it.  Your life is a garden.  YOU decide what you grow.   Weeds?  Pluck ’em or smoke ’em or eat ’em.  You decide.  It is your world.  In this vein, your home is your sanctuary.  (I don’t care IF you live under the bridge, you can experience bliss at home by INTENDING it.  Start by turning off the horror the horror THE NEWS and allowing yourself to listen to your own breath.   Inhale.  Exhale.  Yep.  See THAT!  You are a miracle!  You breath! (Don’t allow the dirty river of television to stream uninterrupted into your house with bad ideas and BS images of food and weight or diet plans.)  Simply be selective what you put into your body.  Porn.  Junk Food.  All of it debilitates YOU!  Choose: healthy (organic is best) food.  Beautiful harmonious images can make you feel better about the world (make time for nature) in art and LIFE: one place where you can get the extra special GOOD healing viewing is at the Frick Museum in NYC or the Rothko Room at the London Tate, in LA we have the beach and mountains as a source of comfort, healing, and rejuvenation.  ART here, I think fills the gap of needed mental excersize, for some.  4. Pick your friends/travel companions/crew, first mates, and officers wisely, actively.  Terminate relationships that don’t work FAST!  IF you have a captain other than yourself be sure that person will go down with the ship (YOU) IF needed.  Dump the assholes.  Cut.  Prune.  KEEP IT TIGHT! 5.  Focus on what you want MORE of… in order to create peace in the world you must experience it daily,  spend time alone, pray, paint, draw from within yourself and find the infinite power of creative activity and focusing on our preferred activities of service and LOVE.  Thus we cultivate prosperity, celebrate wealth, create a sumptuous feast of JOY for our many loving friends, COOK!  EAT!  YES!  Remember: celebrating LIFE is a skill and the more that you do it the better you get at it.  6. Volunteer.  Give back to the community.  I garden.  I touch DIRT!  Find a way.  Do it everyday and encourage others to PICK UP TRASH and take their own bags to the super market.  IF we ALL made these choices the entire planet would be a beautiful garden with healthy, happy, well fed people EVERYWHERE (That is my wish for the planet.  I see it clearly.  I see a world where EVERY HUMAN has everything they need and MORE. I write this truth here and thus this possibility is one step closer to be the absolute truth of human experience, to which I believe we are headed, despite our mis-steps and blunders along the way to paradise.)   Think about how the water keeps the plant alive and the SUNLIGHT how it caress the leaves and brings out the best in them. Let that dazzling truth soak into your soul.  Allow yourself time to heal.   REST in the garden, as you WORK in the garden of your LIFE cultivating peace today and everyday, make time for small rituals of rejuvenation and beauty, like those provided by the one and only Nite Spa in Venice Beach California.  Save your own LIFE.  Don’t forget to get out there and grow some organic lettuce, tomatoes, and yummy dark green kale!  & last butt not least: APPLY The SEVEN BOOK RULE!


 The Seven Book RULE is the secret to my abundance of LOVE and desire to LIVE it UP!  I am the original BON VIVANT!  I thrive in wine bars, dancing, kissing, romancing, flirting, to music!  I live in BACCHIC Splendor!  I am AFRO LATINA.  My parents come from Dominican Republic and Spanish is my first LANGUAGE (don’t forget it).  I am a first generation American.  I had the good fortune to be well raised by caring, intelligent, and educated parents.  My father was an attorney in Dominican Republic when he met my mother.  My mother comes from an illustrious Dominican Family.  History book… people of wealth and class… yet, her grandfather gambled away not one, not two butt three inheritances… I ran away from home at 17 not because my parents were horrible people butt because I was adventure ready.  I’ve had a BLAST!

I’m still having FUN!  I plan on keeping it UP!  Hah!

Anyway… Apply the SEVEN BOOK RULE if you want to solve any problem, tackle any obstacle, achieve any goal; GO! to the public library (the most blessed and noble institution in the most wonderful and abundant United States of America) and get yourself a stack of seven books on whatever bugs you: DIVORCE, DEATH, Disease… Whatever the problem the more you know about it, what others have done before you to deal with the issue and get on with the business of living THE BETTER!

YOU think SEVEN BOOKS is too many?  Well let me assure you that reading ONE book on any topic is NEVER enough (…and I don’t care IF that book is the Bible…).  Read only ONE book and base your opinion on it and you will sound like and idiot babbling on topics with no clue.  Two books is a little better.  Three is much better.  Four and you are looking good and feeling informed.  Five and YOU know a good, useful, amount about the topic.  Six and you are ready to deal with almost any aspect or complication related to your problem and SEVEN!  SEVEN BOOKS means you are a MASTER ready to deal with whatever issue with dignity and style.

I know because I wrote the unpublished book “THE VACATION APPROACH,” before I got THE CANCER diagnosis.  I wrote it from the perspective that I had something to say about success because I felt and feel successful because I have lived my life according to my innermost callings and thus have found a measure of fulfillment in LIFE.  Yes.  It is true.  I have.  This doesn’t mean that I am perfect or that I think I am perfect.  I am divinely flawed LIKE you.  WE are all perfectly flawed and our flaws often house our greatest strengths. Yet, everyday I cultivate peace and enjoy the fruits of that labor.

Much LOVE,

Frau Kolb

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Barney’s, Beverly Hills, Expensive Restaurant(s) vs the JOY of Homegrown Organic Food


Frau in the company of her beloved protective big scientist German national husband, Herr Dr. Kolb hit Beverly Hills on a well planned and anticipated SPREE!

We arrived in Beverly Hills, California, fairly determined and thoroughly prepared to feast on luxury fish and fashion.  Frau was all set and eager; ready to write about decadence with a price tag and taxes; written in and paid for nothings to be enjoyed; savored, abundant tips added.  The BIT!  Frau was ready to shop and then to write about the pleasure.

Entering the store via what used to be the quiet underfloor of offices into a buzzing hive of scented candles and cosmetics… what a NEW MACY’S entrance… at BARNEY’s NEW YORK??? What???? I mean I dig MACY’S because it is easy and convenient to go there and get a lot for one’s home, for example…  when I was in Philadelphia and furnished my husband’s entire bachelor pad in 24 hours’; Macy’s was super.  (Click here for the downtown Philadelphia Macy’s hopping super shopping adventure with Frau Kolb.)

Yet,  Failure of Barney’s NEW YORK in Beverly Hills to reel me in with its scarily overpriced… no it is INFLATION, gross and ugly; I remember buying the same scarves last year for two thirds the price and everything seems so crammed so sterile and strange; like a shopping hospital for ugly people.

When I was a youngster, growing up like a weed in wonderful Manhattan, I was taken to Barney’s by a man, who later became my lover.  He was the first person to ever offer to buy me a truly lavish gift in an over-the-top luxury establishment.  I watched in amazement as LADIES floated by in chiffon and makeup.  They looked like fairies.  Angels.  I was overwhelmed and I refused the opal ring he offered me because we were not lovers, yet.

img_9065_medThe Restaurant at Barney’s now offers little food; just the same burgers and fries that every other place serves; little snacks; a salmon plate, whatever.  IT is so NOT BARNEY GREENGRASS and without Greengrass, Barney’s is  NOT The BARNEYS I Love.   (Fortunately, Greengrass has moved to new location in LA so I don’t have to fly to NYC to get a dose of proper salmon, whitefish, and caviar; to go with my staple Vueve Cliquot.)  Disappointed and vaguely disgusted by the expensively attired Japanese teen taking the proverbial selfie, to the older Italian businessman in a fabulous suit ogling her, we stormed out of Barney’s and onto Wilshire Blvd.


We walked around Beverly Hills.  Everything seemed weird to us, foreign, even though we have lived in Los Angeles for a decade and know this part of town; intimately… we have the strangest feeling that something is OFF.

“We must be famished,” we concur and continue roaming until we step into Flemmings in Beverly Hills for an overpriced BLAH meal.  The other guests, seated in the thick booths about us looked miserable.  The waiter was smug and pushing overpriced wines and the same salty scallops in the same dot of green mud, which every overpriced venue now has on their menu (along with the standard Pork Belly and rubber steaks, which of course… we ALL want.)  Honestly, I eat meat.  Yet I LOVE ANIMALS no cow should die for some ass to eat an overpriced steak at a famous yet unimpressive steak house in an area known for luxury and increasingly delivering this to an audience which is clearly NOT as precise as Frau in her expectations of culinary perfection; being that whenever I eat out it is a treat for me I always want it be at least better than what I cook at home. Recently, with the planting of a backyard organic garden, next to her very active kitchen… it is becoming difficult to enjoy the slap-dash, disasters, made of post-haste and kitchen waste that is passed of as gourmet in most “renown,” eating houses.  (Calamari, chicken wings…. all this was considered GARBAGE food before… these dishes got transformed into trendy eats… “think before you chew,” that is my motto.”

Gardening, growing food, cooking at home, drinking wine in the back yard… yeah, that is what this summer is going to be about at CASA KOLB.

(Just take a gander at at the Bok choi, Romaine Lettuce, Parsley, Basil, Chive and Sweet-pea salad… I img_9020_medgrew all the organic ingredients in my backyard —tiny—organic dirt and seed, GARDEN!

It is in the cold hard moments of reflection, when the thrill of shopping, has failed to entice and the fun of food is not what one expects, that one faces the truth about one’s dining partner: either a person is fun and a good companion or not.  Thank goodness if have partnered with a very civilized human that entertains me with humor and soothes the cranky tiger of my being with compliments; making love to his Frau with words, coaxing laughter from his Frau at the table even if the food laid before us, is not the cause.

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Dr. Daniel E. Branagan; Mi Padre was an Ideal Dad

A few days after Father’s Day…. I’m thinking of my father

I’ve written about him and our close connection before.  Read Dr. Daniel E. Branagan; Mi Padre was an Ideal Dad, if you like…

Since his death, I’ve grown closer to my father.  I have come to idealize him.  He is a Saint, now.  He visits me, with advice, when I need his support.  An attorney in Dominican Republic, whose political/professional ambitions were thwarted, destined to failure.  (He was naive, a firm believer in the goodness of man, his fellows, in the LAW, as a force toward good… redemption.  He believed in THE SYSTEM, jails in his mind, served to “rehabilitate some…” Thus,  he voted conservatively.)  I admire him, never-the-less for his lofty ambitions and solid morality.  He cared.  He demonstrated and proved a fierce, attentive, love for me as a little person.

Toward the end of his life, my father went HOME.  He went back to his “people.”  He choose to avoid traditional medical care until the cancer had spread.  It was too late when he tried.  (Santo Domingo, the capital of Dominican Republic, has excellent doctors and offers excellent medical care at much less out-of-pocket-cost than in the United States.)   I believe he died in relative peace, even though I was not at his bedside.  

I saw him a few months before he died.  I traveled through dimensions, as one does when going from one culture to another, to his heimat.  But it was more than just a trip into a world I am a part of yet… I’ve not been there much in the last twenty years.  I grew up visiting Santo Dominigo.  During summer vacations, we’d go and stay with my mother’s family, in their old home, which is no longer in the family, it exists but the whole neighborhood around it was demolished in order to make room for progress.  The old fashioned, brightly painted, tin-roofed and wooden homes, that decorated the neighborhood, were a “fire hazard, “and impossible to standardize.  Whole neighborhoods, middle-class barrios vanished.  Yet, the city keeps growing, moving forward.  You don’t see street kids, looking to shoe-shine or beg a little change for their families, anymore.  The government did something, schools, I think. I tried to move there, once.  My father was living there, but he had a woman… he did not even like her all-that-much, he complained about her ignorance, or lack of interest in Mayan Codexes which are housed in the Faro a Colon ,a whole sad  monument to, of-all-unfashionable-people, Christopher Columbus.  He had no room in his mature, attempts at establishing his dream life, his public unfolding, his grand success for a twenty-something and lost, me.

Columbus, curiously enough “discovered,” Santo Domingo and made it his base of operations.  He lived there and governed until his brother took over.  Descendants of the family are still active members of Dominican Society.  We are the oldest city in the New World, with the oldest church, university, and infrastructure.  We had a powerful dictator for a long time, which means we have working roads, a functional telephone system, and a very stable society; despite unrest, poverty, and other ills (which plague all nations, except the northern European societies which benefit from their government’s former exploitation of colonies and slave trading, generations ago.  Wealth, being a “civilizing,” factor.).  Today, Thursday, 24 April 2014 Frau Kolb types, from a, “centered quiet place within,” having slept well, dreamt of nothing… passed out from a day fulfilling obligations, duties.

What do you do that you don’t want to do, really?  What fills you with dread until it is behind you and then you realize that it isn’t so bad?

Well, for me… sometimes, my children’s school projects, deadlines, homework, teacher conferences, meetings… Oh!  It is all too much.  I get really stressed out.  I have to buy poster board!  Tape!  Do this.  Do that.  Help!  Now, I see… why my mother never went to school to talk to my teachers.  My father did when I was little.  When he could… when he wasn’t working, selling furniture in Manhattan, New York City.  He worked, a lot.  He studied law, earned an attorney’s title and thought he’d take his NEW WIFE to America, like she wanted, for six months—get loaded— and be able to set themselves and her four little ones; in their home nation, Dominican Republic, in the Spanish speaking capital, first city of the New World, home to Christopher Columbus, and his clan: Santo Domingo.  Of course, six months after arriving in New York City, they had long ago worn out the middle class digs where they dropped as friends of family for the first few weeks and had passed to less comfortable accommodations, incurring debt along the way.  (They had a duty to send money home.)

The first job my father took in the United States was as a dishwasher in a restaurant.  It broke his proud heart, yet he took the position.  He was punctual, attentive, and compliant; a better dishwasher doing a better job, rinse, and repeat.  Shortly, there after, he had a better gig in a nicer spot; always… punctual, attentive, compliant; like his parents, descendant of African slaves brought to the Caribbean, imported to St. Croix… part of an Anglo-Irish household of prominence; as domestics… house slaves, virtually… yet, English speakers.

My father’s accented English was faultless.  He spoke it with flare and taught me to, “always carry a book with me,” after teaching me to read, at home so that by age three, I was very good at it.  Then he taught me to play chess… that was fun, beating old men, playing in the park; a five year old girl in a handmade cotton dress with pink satin bows decorating her flat little chest… quickly executing a “check mate!”  Her father, laughingly… collecting cash.

When I was a kid, growing up in Manhattan, I could always call my Daddy at work, on 14th Street near Union Station where he was the top salesman on the floor.  He’d always answer, taking my after school calls, with glee in his voice.   My father advised me, “Watch people.  Their bodies never lie.  Their intentions are always clear in their eyes, on their faces… you will see what they are thinking IF you look carefully enough.  They will call you a Mind Reader… I see the ones that come in with the intention to buy and I facilitate their transactions. I provide guidance, information, and encouragement. I sell.”  He would contrast himself to the, “young and inexperienced,” salespeople that would, “jump on everybody walking in; wasting their energy and leaving the real business of furniture sales to me. Hah!”  He’d laugh.  I’d admire his thunder.  He was amazing so black, tall, fit like a knight; always ready for a challenge; thus, he died loving my mother.

“People…” my Dad would explain, “Love walking into stores; just to LOOK… that is why they call it a furniture gallery… they can’t afford or don’t want to buy… ignore these people and they will be thankful for it.”  Yet, “Costumers are clients… ignore these people and well, not only will you not have a job for long, it isn’t fun selling furniture if you don’t DO IT.” and then he would look down at me sternly and say, “And… you know, Cari… most people can’t really afford good furniture.  They can’t afford a sandwich for a girl on date-night, my Dear.  They don’t understand that money flows whenever and wherever it wills… we just have to be there to get our share.”  Work!  Pay attention.  Read.  Write.  Bike ride.  Walk.  Repeat.

He trained me well to think, and thus fulfilled his duty; providing for me and equipping me with people reading and sales skills; teaching me to pay attention to others as a means of fulfilling my own needs, “going with the flow,” of money… instead of against it… he taught me to swim the high seas of responsibility and come ashore today with pride.


Thank you, Dad.

Loving Thursday,

Frau K.

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Frau Kolb Applauds Angelina Jolie’s Choice to Have Preventive Surgery


Watercolor on paper © by Frau Kolb, 2011

How dare I compare myself with Angelina Jolie?  She is a Hollywood goddess, right? Who the hell do I think I am to mention that Breast C A N C E R connects more women than one can imagine? We sisters that have faced the HORROR the Horror of fear and decided to take action in preservation and honor of our health can move forward in life to embrace all the joys of being here NOW!

Angelina Jolie is one such woman, stepping up to the world and announcing that one has choices, options, and that making decisions is NOT easy but that one can create a worthy life through making active health choices rather than avoiding preventative measures.  The concept that one can avoid facing the death threat of cancer by having the surgery before the cancer is NEWS to me! I wish I had known that I had this option.  After nursing my two children I’d have certainly considered taking the same bold step as Jolie.  Since I have the same genetic mutation of the Brca1 and Brca2, which made my cancer POP out of no-where and grow—super aggressive and fast—to stage three, which has a 50/50 prognosis, I’d have done nearly anything to avoid the harsh and frightening realities of chemotherapy and radiation. The point really is in being aware that one has options, choices to make, tests to take.  I wish I’d known about the gene.  I did not.  Yet…

Breast cancer and its horrific treatment with chemotherapy was… well only bearable because of some basic life choices I had in place, which made it so that during treatment I had the strength to write a list of 100 things I loved about MY CANCER.  The unpublished book, “Cancer with Style,” is the journal of embracing LIFE, LOVE, ART and Adventure as a strategy for life in which I chronicled the ups and downs of embracing life as a means of addressing the breast cancer crisis.

The first solid choice: a great husband.  It looks like Angelina and I share this decisive factor at the center of our lives.  ONE needs friends, family, and warm fuzzy feelings about living in order to hang on. The next key: great doctors, shop around.  Jolie and Frau Kolb both opted for the Pink Lotus Breast Center of Beverly Hills.  Kristi Funk is a great doctor and really treated me with the respect and caring one expects in the doctor of one’s choice.

Artist, Terri Amig, posted a mention, a reminder, to me that NOT all women are so fortunate.  This is true.  However, health concerns are testing grounds for rich and poor, alike.  Yet, without health insurance… I think one’s options would be limited.  Yet, I’m aware of at least one single (yes she’s gorgeous) woman that made smart choices regarding her health and had a lot of fun despite dealing with breast cancer without health insurance.  She rallied her friends, family, and committed herself to a medical treatment, which worked for her.  I commend her and all other women to be proactive about their health, their lives.  Get check-ups.  Get tested for the gene.  Make decisions.  These steps might be impossible to implement with the same level of panache and glamour associated with Jolie.  Yet, IF you are determined to take care of yourself, you can and will make sound choices.  By asking questions, visiting public libraries, and doing internet research you are very likely to be able to amass a fortunate of viable options available to all that seek out their own well being.

We all have options.  But the willingness to step forward, be brave, and take charge is the height of mastery and I must say I admire Jolie.  I always have and as the years pass she only more wins my admiration for her bold decisive nature and continual commitment to being an example of forward thinking open minded savvy which is now legendary.  Yet, it is vital to remember that we are all the STARS of our own lives and must find the strength to LIVE, to accept responsibility of our quality of life and to embrace being able to make, even difficult, choices.

So ENJOY your power to make choices, get informed, and be as bold and powerful as any celebrity in your own estimation and proclamation!

Much Love,

Frau Kolb

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No More Diets! Eat Cake. NOW!

Chilled Champagne is an essential ingredient in any diet I undertake.  So WHEREVER you are, pour yourself a tall skinny glass of bubbly and let’s toast to the prospect of a new you! (Or not, I’ve since recently, reconsidered my position on this critical issue: to drink or not to drink… that was the question.  I think I’m over alcohol, but I’ll keep you posted…)

Now, I’m going to tell YOU.  I am NOT a nutritionist.  I am not a fashion model.  I am a woman that LOVES FOOD and eats a lot.  I’m not particularly young and Yet, I’ve lost weight as needed after gaining weight as needed for pregnancy and post wrestle with life-threatening bout of evil breast cancer (cause: a genetic mutation).

Since November, when my beautiful doctor, a man, older than me… I calculate he must be older than me, he went to medical school and became a luminary in his field… told me, “It is time we talk about your weight.”  I was twenty five pounds heavier than I am today.  I just shrugged my shoulders.  I thought: “Hey, I’m older now, I had cancer, I’m busy, I have kids, blah, blah, blah.”  In other words, I thought:  I have to be FAT.  Everybody is FAT after a “certain age…”  Yet, sitting before me was a really good looking super-skinny and well coiffed presumably older-than-me MAN.  I was a little beaten down, having surrendered to the idea well, frankly that to be NOT beautiful, to become attractive, or lacking in sex appeal  in my immediate and future future was an unavoidable destiny FACT. (OUCH!)  I had surrendered to the idea of being older and overweight ass unavoidable TRUTH.  Because I believed I was old and… well… I had no choice butt accept my big bottom as a reality knot to be untied.

Anyway, I made a lame attempt at defending myself, I told him, “I go to the gym,” and I said, “I eat healthy.”  My doctor LAUGHED at me.  He did.

“EVERYBODY always says that they work out or don’t eat so much but the fact is that gaining weight is a simple mathematical equation: too many calories and not enough movement to burn off the calorie count.”  He said.

NOW, he had my attention.  “Are you calling ME a cliche?”  I asked, outraged for an instant, wanting to get offended so I wouldn’t have to listen.  “YES!” he laughed.  Skinny, tall, and blond, my beautiful doctor said, I was indeed a, “Cliche.”  This made me angry, because ONE thing I pride myself on is on be myself, unique.  So… I said, “Do tell.”

Well, my doctor gave me two guide lines:

1. Cut every meal you get (in a restaurant ESPECIALLY) in half and eat only half, every time.

(Note: In my case, I eat the protein and avoid the starch.)  This shrinks your stomach, which is essential.)

2. Excursive at least one hour everyday.  YOU must do enough to sweat, then rinse it off.  This Rinse off, may seem obvious, but it is essential to your  health that you remove the toxins from your skin that your body excretes through exercise, daily.

Starting in November, I applied those two guidelines. I started by walking, then running or… sometimes… dancing.  Biking is also really important to me.  Now, I’m SKINNY ME: weighing less than I did a decade ago.  BRAVO!

I also changed the following:

I no longer drive everyday.  At least one day per week, I walk or bike EVERYWHERE. (This is ALSO good for the environment.)  This works especially well when going grocery shopping… carrying food home on a bikes, keeps it real what YOU buy.  Best of all NO frozen food.  I’ve never been a big fan of canned or frozen prepared, highly processed, foods.  I’ve always preferred ORGANIC fare and I know that this fact alone makes me healthier and more resilient than most.  NOW, I’m a little stricter about what I eat… but I eat real food: organic animal proteins, salads, fruits, veggies, dairy, and FOR ME: NO GLUTEN.  NONE.

Fast Food, has always been completely out-of-the question for me.  Butt, IF you are a driver-through bandit, you like your McD’s on the GO, or TACO Terror, or worse you eat any food that involves a person taking your order via a microphone and throwing a bunch of chemical sculptures of food into a box for you then you better STOP IT!  Because, just like smoking, some habits have no upswing and can only slow you down and make you ugly.

I cook.  More and more, my families meals are delicious and less expensive than eating at the Ritz, for kicks.  Anyway… IF you would like to discuss, this topic further… ask me a question either here, on the comments or on the Frau Kolb/Talkinggrid Facebook FAN PAGE!  Yeah… In the mean time: GET OUT there and MOVE.  EAT LESS.  EAT FRESH!  Enjoy LIFE!  Embrace FUN, laughter, good times are your pals when facing any challenge.  Don’t forget simple corny and gut wrenching JOY ass a remedy!  Cheers and BOTTOMS UP!



Jul 24, 2013, 6:00 PM

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Death in The Family

Los Angeles, California

29 July 2013


The fact is we all deal with ONE reality.  No matter how you slice it people you love will stop breathing while YOU must continue.  Why?

Well… for countless reasons of course.  Last but not least… IF everyone lived forever, where would you put all those people?  People are bulky things, animals.  Whenever anybody dies there is always a body to deal with.  Unavoidable.  Even in crime-shows: THE BODY is always a key narrative element in a story of death.  It must always be examined after death and then prepared for burial…

So final.  “The last resting place…”  Yikes.  That phrase really sounds… TERMINAL.

Metaphors abound.  Words flow.  Tears tickle.  Feelings swell.

WE ride the bus of emotions UP and DOWN when LOVE passes through town.

WHEN someone we LOVE reaches the “Final Destination.”

The place where we leave our bodies behind.

The End.

Is not the end for everybody else.  WE must carry on and continue to fulfill our duties with all the dignity and grace one can muster.  WE MUST.  There is no choice in that regard; as long as we LIVE we are here to LIVE, LOVE, LEARN and get on with the business of LIFE.


El Fin.

End of story… No.  The SOUL… that tiny wisp of cosmos… lives on.

How?  What?  YOU ask.  I won’t answer.  You won’t believe me.  I don’t mind.  I just don’t expect anybody who doesn’t believe to start believing just because I do.

Now, that THAT threshold moment in our lives is NOW… we pray and thank goodness we had the chance to LOVE the living ANGEL while she simply enjoying LIFE in her increasingly dilapidated body. Really, she is better off now, I think.  Free, of that cumbersome shell and part of everything that makes the world stick together and keeps oxygen free.


Frau Kolb


(This is a private photograph taken long ago in Germany, please do not steal or alter or use this image in anyway, IF YOU do… beware the Kolb curse.)
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On Celebrating LOVE with FOOD!

Los Angeles California,

Sunday, 11 August, 2013


Photo of watercolor painting done in Marsberg, Germany, last week by Frau Kolb © 2013, all rights reserved, of course!

I’m glad to say I’ve never had a problem having FUN!  Difficulties in LIFE come and GO, yet I manage to stay afloat in LIFE and LOVE by following the simple maxim, coined by my sweet husband when I got the dreaded advance life-threatening breast cancer diagnosis, a few years ago, (by the way, I’m totally STRONG LIKE BULL now, feeling younger and more dynamic, daily) “When we get BAD news: WE CELEBRATE!  When we get GOOD news: WE celebrate.”

Thus, our marriage is a happy one.  Our home is full of JOY!  Proof: our children spontaneously sing, dance, and simply soar above expectations of “NORMAL,” children with  their glorious super-talent for self expression and honest good spirits.  Despite the fact that during their lives they’ve faced a lot of DEATH.  Not only was I very ill and undergoing intensive medical interventions for several years, but recently the children lost their beloved grandmother, Frau Christine Kolb or Marsberg, Germany.  The grandparents have one after another faded and died in hospitals and at home.  WE miss them, yet… we continue to celebrate being here now and our LOVE for each other.

Now, If someone YOU love is having a birthday it is imperative that YOU go OUT-OF-YOUR-COMFORT-ZONE to demonstrate LOVE!  If the person has undergone tremendous stress and loss, it is doubly significant that YOU demonstrate LOVE for the beloved.  NOTHING is over the top in my book.

Thus, I changed my Facebook profile image, to a picture of US, together.  I wrote him the cheesiest public Birthday message, IF (you wanna read THAT, you must dig around the site, under Zoom in with Frau Kolb).  He LOVES that, because it is more proof that I love him, you see.  Today, like every other day, Daddy was KING at home.  I served him and his friends like ROYALTY.  Yes, we are talking FAST and elegant service, made complete by little bows and many courtesies to our guests.  THEY loved THAT!

I cooked, of course.  Cooking is a major way in which I demonstrate LOVE.  Yep, the old maxim of shortest route to another’s heart works for ME.  I made a FEAST for my Love and his friends.  Having just arrived from Munich, Germany.  I’m so glad they stopped here for some American hospitality.  The first course: was delicious tart lemony Fish Ceviche.  YUM!  Then we had organic salad with cucumbers  vine-ripe tomatoes, red beets, and greens ALL from the Farmer’s market.  We had BBQ.  We drank various wines, as appropriate.  Not, too much, mind you…  For desert, we had flour-less chocolate cake, which I did not bake but I paid good money for it at Bristol Farms, because they have the best local bakery.

Thank goodness, that ass a younger woman I worked in New York city restaurants, in Soho, I was long ago the world’s most negligent waitress, flirting with the affluent and super cool clientele of rust-funded artists and bankers was more my bag, nevertheless, I learned to carry trays of food with aplomb.  Before that I  cooked for about 3 years in high end Manhattan health-clubs and I had a little catering business on the side.  Thus, I will gladly  roast a turkey, make boat loads of side dishes, serve lunch for a hundred, set a king-size table, and uncork the right wine(s), wine pairings being a forte for me, clean up, and seem NOT BUSY while doing it, which is KEY.

Now, I’m happy because my loving husband is HAPPY and no thing means more to me.

Now you know.  I hope that this inspires YOU to taking LOVING action and demonstrate undying affection for those that float your boat.  And… IF you don’t have a special someone in your life it might be because YOU don’t cook.

Peace from California,

Frau Kolb