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Wilkomen to the New and Improved Talkinggrid!

Toy Airplane in Blue LightIt isn’t everyday that a dream comes true.  Today, you are witnessing a little arrival, a taste of fulfillment uplifting Talkinggrid and creating a site where we can exchange ideas and laugh together at the madness.  The position which Talkinggrid holds dear is that each perspective matters.  Yet, the artist’s understanding of the world is one of particular interest.  Thus, we interview artists, engaging in intimate art chat.  Yet, we don’t stop there.  We continue.

2 thoughts on “Wilkomen to the New and Improved Talkinggrid!

    1. Thank you, Anne! Before you it was… needing YOU! You are wonderful a wonderful web-designer and have provided indispensable support. I’m ever-so-grateful!

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